Re(a)d Words
The greatest preacher the world has ever known still preaches today. The red words found in the Gospels are more than just words - they reveal the motivations and power that drove Jesus and display His heart and will for those around Him. Through these words, we learn directly from the Master who to talk to, what to say, when to speak up, and when to remain quiet.
But Jesus was much more than a morality professor. Misunderstood and misquoted, His words are often abused. This series will center on the sermons and stories He shared. These red words are THE most universally read words. Quoted, memorized, and repeated, they contain powerful truth… some even say eternal life.
Open up the Book and read for yourself. Jesus is alive. He’s still reaching, loving, and igniting new life. His invitation awaits your response. With faith like a child, come and take your front row seat.
It’s story time.