About Paige
My mission organization:
I’ve been a missionary since:
August 2019
What I’m doing:
I serve as a Guidance Counselor at Black Forest Academy (BFA), a Christian school aimed at serving missionaries through the care and education of their children. BFA’s student body represents 20+ passport countries and 70+ countries of service in Europe, Africa, and Asia. As a Guidance Counselor, I support 65+ students in their transition to and from BFA while walking alongside them at BFA. I have the honor of hearing their stories of life growing up on the field while also helping them prepare for their futures. With students coming from any number of academic backgrounds and cultural/language contexts, I get to learn about life and God through their stories; it is an honor to be able to support them in the unique journey God has them on as He shapes them through each experience. Missionary parents can rest assured, knowing their students are getting good education and being well cared for at BFA while they serve locally in Europe or in more remote areas of the world, and we get the honor to mentor and pour into the students’ lives.
How you can pray for me:
Please pray for wisdom and direction for us as school staff as we support so many students and assist the families on the field.
To give to me directly: