Sermon Notes & CG Questions 5.29.22
Learning Law with Jesus
Exodus 20
- Rules are
Matt. 22:35 And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him.
- Laws are
Luke 10:25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying,
- Laws & the inner life
NEXT WEEK: New Series through 2 Timothy
Personal Reflection
- What are your own “helps” and “hurdles” to reading and applying the Bible? What motivates you to keep trying?
- Ask God to keep you focused on INNER life as most important even as you work through these questions.
Group Discussion
- Why are rules dangerous?
- Which of the 3 principles from Sunday apply most to you right now? How do they fit together?
- As you read O.T. Law…don’t rush to applying it (moralism or worse is often the result). Instead THINK: How does Jesus fulfill this? How does MY relationship to Jesus CHANGE the demands of the law?
- The 2 lawyers masked their attempt to trap and test Jesus with questions. What is wrong with coming to Jesus in this way? Do you ever act this way?
- A persons relationship to Jesus changes EVERYTHING. How would these 3 conversations have been different if each man had a saving trust in Jesus? What can you learn from this?
Plan of Action
- Slowly work your way through the Sermon on the Mount, noticing how laws were MISunderstood and how Jesus corrects things (“You have heard it said…but I say”).