Sermon Notes & CG Questions 5.29.22

Learning Law with Jesus

Exodus 20

  1. Rules are

Matt. 22:35 And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him.

  1. Laws are 

Luke 10:25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying,

  1. Laws  &  the inner life

NEXT WEEK: New Series through 2 Timothy


Personal Reflection  

  1. What are your own “helps” and “hurdles” to reading and applying the Bible? What motivates you to keep trying?
  2. Ask God to keep you focused on INNER life as most important even as you work through these questions.

Group Discussion

  1. Why are rules dangerous?
  2. Which of the 3 principles from Sunday apply most to you right now? How do they fit together?
  3. As you read O.T. Law…don’t rush to applying it (moralism or worse is often the result). Instead THINK: How does Jesus fulfill this? How does MY relationship to Jesus CHANGE the demands of the law?
  4. The 2 lawyers masked their attempt to trap and test Jesus with questions. What is wrong with coming to Jesus in this way? Do you ever act this way?
  5. A persons relationship to Jesus changes EVERYTHING. How would these 3 conversations have been different if each man had a saving trust in Jesus? What can you learn from this?

Plan of Action

  1. Slowly work your way through the Sermon on the Mount, noticing how laws were MISunderstood and how Jesus corrects things (“You have heard it said…but I say”).


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