Sermon Notes & CG Questions 09.12.21

Matt. 28:19-20

Discipling Requirements:

Matt. 23:15; Hebrews 13:7; 2 Cor. 4:7 & 12:10

Discipling Warnings:




NEXT WEEK: 1 Timothy


Questions for the Community


Personal Reflection  

  1. Who is discipling you? How do they do it? 
  2. Are you actively discipling another? Who is it and how is it going? If not, why?

Group Discussion

  1. Which picture of discipling from Sunday spoke most loudly? Which would you add to the mix?
  2. Review the requirements for discipling from Sunday. Did any of those hit you specifically? What would you add?
  3. Review the warning for discipling from Sunday. Which rang most true or were confusing? What would you add?
  4. How do you create a culture of discipling at our church? Is there a single next step that you should take in this area?

Plan of Action

  1. Who are you helping to follow Jesus? Stop and celebrate the progress that is going on. Spend time thanking God for any and all growth. Savor what it is to give your life to people in this way.
  2. Thank a discipler in your life this week. Let them know their investment was worth it to you.
  3. Look for the next step. Is the season a pause or harvest or planting or winter?  If you don’t regularly do this, inventory your time and see how you are stewarding it. Make time for the most important items on your list.

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