Sermon Notes & CG Questions 03.20.22

Hope In Christ

Next Week: Reflections in 1 Timothy

Questions for the Community

Personal reflection
1.  If God could grant you one request, what  would it be?
2.  Would it benefit you, more than others?
3.  Where is your hope, really?  Is it in the President of the USA, our Constitution, maybe in the vaccine…Or is it truly in Jesus Christ?
Read Psalm 27:4, 1 Kings 3:5-15, and Proverbs 30:7-9

Group Discussion
3.  What does it mean to be rich, financially? Spiritually?
4.  How can we be rich in good works?
5. How can we spurn others on in being rich in good works?
6.  What do you guard in your life?

Plan Of Action
7. Be prepared for God to walk you in rich works!
  Read Philippians 2:1-11

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