Sermon Notes & CG QS 05.01.22

John 1:35-39

Jesus cares about your desires. 

Your loves form your habits. 

You are shaped by your habits. 



  • What are you known by others to love? (people, places, or things )
  • How are your loves seen in your habits, in your daily life?


  • Why is learning not enough to cultivate a life of discipleship?
  • How does learning and affection work together in the Christian life?
  • How do habits form us?
  • What habits have been helpful for you in growing a greater affection for Jesus?
  • How does affection impact our Christian discernment and obedience?


  • What habits are leading you astray from greater affection for Jesus?
  • What is one habit you want to change in your life? What is one habit you want to add this week?

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