12.18.22 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Worship fully~Spend Less~Give More~Love all Romans
December 18,2022



-God help me love all by growing me in what love actually is


-God help me love all by hating evil sin and death


-God help me love all by remaining faithful and clinging to all that is good

Next Week: Christmas Sunday Bi-lingual Service

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection

  1. How has this series changed or challenged you? Remembering the “worship fully” is the foundation and force behind all of this, what has prompted worship in you this season?
  2. Is there some category or kind of person that you find it hard to believe that God can love?

Group Discussion

  1. Christians are called to love all…really. What does “love all” often mean and how is the Christian response different?
  2. Review the 3 aspects of love covered on Sunday. HINT: it’s in our text! Any surprises or aha’s or insights you’d like to share.
  3. Jesus is our model in all things. How did he love all? What did it mean for him? What did it NOT mean for him?
  4. How are you (or how can you) as a CG be obeying Hebrews 3:13?

Plan of Action

  1. Celebrate the “Love All” that has been going on around you (don’t forget all the ways NBC has been engaging in this). Thank God for the work in you that finds this a good thing! It is truly a work of the Holy Spirit in us that causes us to sacrifice toward the good of others.
  2. Have some fun dreaming about ways you are planning on loving well this coming year. Ask God to broaden your vision for who and what that might include.

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