12.10.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

 I am Blessed

Orientation part 4~ Ephesians 1:3-6 

December 10, 2023

Central Truth: I am BLESSED in the





Matt. 11:1-11; Matt. 10:17-23


ACTION: memorize and live out Ephesians 1:3-6

Next Week: Orientation 5- I am a Branch

Questions for the Community

Devoted to Learning  

  1. Ephesians 1:3-11 is a treasure chest of ideas. Read out loud and let its wonder hit you afresh in this Advent season. What rises to the top?
  2. Review all the ways we are blessed just from this passage. Why do we need to grow beyond knowing basics of “God loves us” and “God saves us”?
  3. Two examples were given on Sunday about how we get confused about blessing: (John the Baptist shows that hard situations cause doubt and the Rich Young Ruler was confused on what true blessing are) which hits closest to home?

Devoted to one another

  1. As Christians, how can you help one another live out of this “Blessed” identity? What dangers are avoided by this?
  2. You are blessed to be a blessing. How has the blessing of others been contagious to you? How are you contagious to those in your circles? Devote yourself to noticing and remembering.

Devoted to praying

  1. One of the ways you remember and re-receive your “blessing in the Beloved” is to remain close to the word each day and in the church each week. What aspect of blessing do you need to pick up in prayer conversation with your Heavenly Father?
  2. Who needs to have a conversation or demonstration of this blessed life Jesus offers? We are in a season of wonder, be on the lookout for blessings given and received.

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