04.16.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Acts 7

Central Truth 

Why the history speech?

1. Stephen is answering the charges against him with

 (vss. 2-50)

2. Stephen is confronting sinners with 


What does Stephen the Martyr teach us?

1. …aboutGod

2. …aboutGod’sservants

Help for the history we are making:

1. Remember something BIG is going on

2. Remember knowing God alters our history

Revelation 21:5; 1 Peter 5:9-11

Next Week: Acts 8

Questions for the Community

Personal Reflection

1. Do you think often of your own history?

2. Are you worried about the state of the world? How do you


Group Discussion

3. Review WHY Stephen gives a speech and then is killed for it. What is going on in Acts 7?

4. Imagine the kinds of headlines this event would produce from those in power. Write some out. How can this help us use discernment for our own headlines in 2023?

5. Acts 7 is an incredible apologetics passage. How is Stephen an example and inspiration for those of us who follow Jesus?

6. Discuss your fears about persecution or discomfort for being a Christian. ALSO discuss God’s promises and past actions. Learn to sit in this tension.

7. What stands out from Sunday that helps you make sense of your own story and the bigger story?

Plan of Action

8. Invite God to use you in any way He sees fit to make history. Open your whole life and make it available to His disposal. Refresh your mind with stories from the Bible that help you see God is trustworthy and can use a single life to change the world.

9. Sit with the idea found in Revelation 21:5. Strengthen yourself by imagining all that God is up to. Commit to cooperate

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