03.03.24 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

Oceans of Joy ~ Philippians 2:12-18

March 3, 2024


  1. IN

Galatians 4:5–7; Ephesians 2:8



2 Timothy 2:3-6

  1. IN

Psalm 121:1–2; 2 Timothy 2:7; Mark 16:20

  1. IN

Isaiah 60:1–3

What is so shiny about us?

Christians speak a different

Christians trust a different

Next Week: Philippians 2:19-30

Questions for the Community

Devoted to Learning  

  1. Read the passage out loud and review the In’s and Out’s from Sunday. Are any of them confusing or particularly impactful?
  2. The idea of working out our salvation is dangerous but Biblical. How can this go really wrong? How do you guard against that?
  3. Salvation has various aspects to it. Review how salvation was discussed on Sunday (Justification, Sanctification, Glorification). How does this help us understand ‘working out’?
  4. What is “God’s part” and what is “our part” in the divine partnership called life? How can you know the difference?

Devoted to one another

  1. We are to ‘work out’ (v. 12) & ‘shine’ (v. 15) together not just as individuals. How are you helping your church do this? What must change to become obedient to this passage?
  2. Describe a time you mistook the role of YOUR working out and God working IN you. Discuss the error. What results came from this mistake? Did you grow from that?
  3. What area are you tempted to let go of the word of life right now? (see vs. 16) Confess it and ask for prayer/support.

Devoted to praying

  1. Every church and family needs help in living the way this passage describes. Pray over the specific commands. Re-commit yourself to live this beautiful life we are called to no matter how hard it is in the moment. 

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