12.17.23 Sermon Notes & CG Questions

I am a Branch

Orientation part 5~ John 15:1-5

December 17, 2023

Central Truth:

Remain in Jesus guards from

  1. Numbers 21:4-5

Next Week: Orientation 6- I am His Child

Questions for the Community

Devoted to Learning  

  1. Look again at John 15. What leaps out to you and why? What is clear to you and what is cloudy?
  2. Discuss what it means to be “in Jesus”. What would the expected results be for you if you are in him? 
  3. Read verse 5. In Jesus a person bears much fruit. Nothing of lasting value comes apart from Jesus. Ponder and respond. 
  4. What blocks you from abiding? Is it one of the categories mentioned on Sunday? Ask Jesus to help you name it and more importantly to overcome it.

Devoted to one another

  1. What consequences have you seen from people who do not remain or abide in Jesus? How are we supposed to interact with them?
  2. What help is offered by abiding in a community of believers instead of as an all alone Christian? Thank God for the community he has provided and celebrate what it means to be a branch that is a part of something so much bigger. 

Devoted to praying

  1. In prayer, evaluate how connected you are with Jesus. What are the measurements you’d use for this? Ask Jesus to show you and teach you how to stay connected.
  2. In this season of gift exchanging…ask Jesus for the joyful and abundant life he has promised. Consider staying in conversation with him about this until the end of the year, asking him to show it to you and orient you toward it. 

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