Now & Later Life: Whoever Claims To Live In Him Must Walk As Jesus Did (I Thess. 5:16-22)
August 17, 2016
Now or later. This dilemma pops up all the time. For anyone seeking God or happiness in the afterlife, the answer seems like a no-brainer: later gratification at the expense of now.
But 1 Thessalonians teaches that these two words are supposed to be held in tension and not forced to compete. In this short letter to a young church, the Apostle Paul celebrates and instructs new believers on how to live in the present while simultaneously pointing to a future that promises joy and restoration. This "now and not yet" teaching permeates the entire New Testament. Find hope, joy, and purpose for life both now and later as we savor the various flavors of truth in this New Testament book.
August 17, 2016
July 24, 2016
July 10, 2016
June 26, 2016
June 19, 2016
June 12, 2016
June 5, 2016
May 29, 2016
May 15, 2016
May 8, 2016
May 1, 2016
April 24, 2016
April 17, 2016
April 10, 2016